Best Tank Mixing Secrets Your Farm Should Know
Mar 16, 2021
Here are some of the best management practices for tank mixing...
If you have any questions regarding tank mixing or products, reach out to your Central Counties Advisor!
- Water. Be sure to fill your tanks half full before adding any active ingredients to the tank.
- Time. Allow plenty of time between ingredient additions.
- Water – Fill tank half full
- Defoamers/Antifoamers
- Water Conditioner – (Class Act® Ridion® @ 1 gallon/100 or 1% v/v)
- Volatility Reduction Agent (VRA) – Volt-Edge™ a VaporGrip® Xtra Agent @ 20 oz/a or Sentris™ buffering technology from BASF @ 10 oz/a)
- Wettable Powders or Dry Flowables
- WSP – Water Soluble Packet
- WP – Wettable Powder
- DF – Dry Flowable (Authority® First, Authority® MTZ)
- WDG – Water dispersible granule (First Rate®, Rowel®, Rowel® FX, Valor® SX, Valor® XLT, Zidua®)
- SP – Soluble Powder
- DG – Dispersible Granule (Authority® MAXX, Authority® XL, Classic®)
- EXT – Extruded Granule (Dimetric® EXT, Metriclude®)
- WG – Wettable Granule (Optill® PRO, Sonic®)
- Dry Fertilizers
- SC – Suspension Concentrates (Prowl® H2O, Sharpen®, Zidua® PRO)
- Agitate
- Liquid flowables and suspensions
- F/FL – Flowables
- Suspension Fertilizers
- SE – Suspo-emulsions
- SL – Soluble Liquid (Caparol®, Direx®, Extreme®, Pursuit®, Reflex®, Staple®, Valor® EZ, Varisto®)
- XtendiMax®/Engenia™ herbicide
- OnTarget™* DRA @ ½ gallon/100 or 0.5% V/V - It is recommended that OnTarget™ DRA is not applied through a direct injection system. OnTarget™ DRA needs time to hydrolyze in the spray tank before application.
- Emulsifiable Concentrates
- EC - Emulsified Concentrates – (Cleanse® 2EC, Framework®, Cobra®, Section® Three, Select® Max, Outlook®, Prowl® 3.3 EC, Charger Basic)
- ME – Micro-encapsulated (Warrant®, Warrant® Ultra)
- Glyphosate – if allowed
- Surfactants/Adjuvants – Always add Superb HC, Destiny HC or Strikelock when tank mixing a volunteer corn herbicide to overcome antagonism. Oils also increase broadleaf efficacy & speed of kill.
- HSOC-MSO (Destiny® HC @ 8oz/a)
- HSOC-COC (Superb® HC@ 8 oz/a)
- Drift and Deposition – (InterLock®, StrikeLock™)
- Top off with water to fill tank.
If you have any questions regarding tank mixing or products, reach out to your Central Counties Advisor!